Information from John Wiley & Sons, Inc

The realities of today's economic environment have required that nonprofits, and those that raise money for them, make their case for support as strong as possible. Warm and fuzzy appeals that tug at the heart strings have met with limited success. Assuming that funding targets intuitively know the value of the good work being done is unrealistic. Return on Investment-The Key to Nonprofit Sustainability details the methods and processes to help nonprofits raise money in an environment that increasingly demands accountability, transparency, and results.

Chapters include: Organizational Reluctance, Organizational Change, Nonprofit ROI, Building an OVP for Your Organization, Suggested Methodologies, Delivering an ROI-based Program, and Putting OVP to Work: OVP Case Studies.

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Readers will:

  • Understand why moving from a charity mindset to an investment mindset is the future of nonprofit funding
  • Recognize that true sustainability comes from demonstrating value to funders
  • See real examples of how to demonstrate ROI, from a wide spectrum of nonprofits